Thank you leaflets
When the election is over thank you leaflets are one of the first things that campaigners should be thinking about. Continuing to stay in touch with voters year round is vital to the way we campaign.
That’s why we’ve come up with a bulk buy deal to help you get the best price on your leaflets.
We’ve worked with Election Workshop, our print partners, to bring you an unbeatable price on A4 thank you leaflets. They are designed for a Z fold.
You can find the templates on Artworker or you can use the PDF or Affinity Publisher files.
Thank you leaflets are not subject to VAT.
Artwork sent to Election Workshop (enquiries@electionworkshop.co.uk) by Sunday 16 May (for delivery on Friday 21 May) or Sunday 30 May (for delivery by Friday 4 June).
The Campaigns and Elections Team have arranged an A3 bulk buy deal too.

Summer surveys – why + how
Surveys are a fantastic way to generate voter ID, campaign issues and contact with local communities. If they’re used properly, they will establish you and your local Lib Dem team as hard-working, locally focused and approachable. And with proper follow up they can drive your campaign and messages.
The more you know about your residents, the better you can be as a community campaigner/councillor. There’s a lot of useful information you can gain from surveys and record in Connect for future voter contact, e.g. writing target mail.
Five reasons to survey now:
- Surveying helps us find local issues that people care about.
- It proves our credentials as hardworking local champions.
- You can collect vital voting intention and contact details to use later.
- It’ll help us engage with local people. Instead of just telling them what we’re doing, we ask what matters to them.
- Summer surveying means you’ll have your campaign messages and important reasons to vote for you nailed down early. We’ve left lots of open ended questions in our survey to help you find the local issues that matter to people.
What you can do after the survey
- Re-visit an area with a petition – a great way to gather additional information and email addresses. Acting on an issue raised in the survey provides a great opportunity to reinforce your local connections on the doorstep. Alternatively, a ‘street letter’ that outlines the broad results of the survey could go to houses on all streets that were included – another very local piece of literature.
- Publicise the outcome – don’t forget to issue a survey results press release to your local paper and follow up with direct mail letting people know the results.
- Publicise the results on social media – tweet individual stats one at a time, e.g. xx residents in favour of more crossing patrols. Make sure you include a link to a story about crossing patrols on your MyCouncillor site and add survey stats to your Facebook page where people who are interested would be able to like or comment.

Summer survey - templates + bulk buys
We have produced new survey designs for you this summer and we’re running a bulk buy deal too.
You can find our our templates on Artworker Or you can find them on PDF or Affinity Publisher.
We’ve produced addressed and unaddressed options to give you the maximum flexibility.
How to use unaddressed surveys
Unaddressed surveys are a great aid when door knocking and a soft way to start new volunteers out on the doorstep. We use a technique called ‘knock and drop’ where we canvass someone (making sure to get voter ID) and leave the survey with them and let them know to leave it hanging out of their letterbox and we’ll be back round to collect it in 30 minutes. This guarantees a good response rate and that people don’t have time to forget to fill it in.
We wouldn’t recommend just delivering unaddressed surveys as this greatly reduces the number you will get back.
How to use addressed surveys
Addressed surveys are designed to be delivered in an envelope with a cover letter. We recommend mailmerging the surveys so you know you’re getting data on the right people. Good surveys can have amazing returns and last year’s summer survey really worked a treat.
Summer survey bulk buy
We’re offering a two-sided A4 summer survey which you can either have posted out or can be delivered to you for hand delivery or door knocking.
You’ll get great prices and a brilliant way to get new data and issues this summer. We also think a summer survey is the best place to start for teams looking to break into a new ward.
Addressed survey:
- Double-sided A4 survey mailmerged + single sided letter in an envelope. £12 per edition plus 20p each.
- 45p additional per item postage.
- g. 1,000 surveys in one edition posted = £12 (edition cost) + £200 (printing and stuffing cost) + £450 (postage cost) = £662.
Unaddressed survey:
- Double sided survey only.
- 1,000 = £55 (inc. VAT = £66)
- 2,000 = £65 (inc. VAT = £78)
- 2,500 = £75 (inc. VAT = £90)
- 5,000 = £115 (inc. VAT = £138)
- Deadline 1: Book by emailing enquiries@electionworkshop.co.uk and send artwork on Wednesday 9th June, if you choose to have them posted out they will be posted on 23rd June. If you choose hand delivery they will be delivered to you the week beginning 21st June.
- Deadline 2: Book by emailing enquiries@electionworkshop.co.uk and send artwork on Wednesday 7th July, if you choose to have them posted out they will be posted on 21st July. If you choose hand delivery they will be delivered to you the week beginning 19th July.

Building up your team
We all know we need bigger teams and we want to help you to go out and recruit them this summer.
After such a peculiar year many people have lost some of their deliverers and this summer is the time to build back big before next May.
We’ll share top tips and training with you – for now why not have a go at filling in our Ward Development Web.