Tandridge DC, Fellbridge – 17th June 2021

June 17, 2021

Independent – 264 [45.4%, +45.4]
Independent – 159 [27.4%, +27.4]
Conservative – 128 [22.0%, -43.0]
Labour – 18 [3.1%, +3.1]
Lib Dem (Richard Fowler) – 12 [2.1%, +2.1]

Independent GAIN from Conservative

Kent CC, Elham Valley – 17th June 2021

June 17, 2021

Conservative – 1809 [50.1%, -4.2]
Green – 1335 [37.0%, +24.6]
Labour – 247 [6.8%, -3.4]
Independent – 221 [6.1%, +6.1]

Conservative HOLD

Wealden DC, Hailsham South – 6th May

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 411 [45.2%, -1.4]
Liberal Democrat – 332 [36.5%, +7.7]
Independent – 90 [9.9%, +9.9]
Green – 77 [8.5%, +8.5]

Conservative HOLD

Brighton and Hove UA, Hollingdean and Stanmer – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Green – 1542 [41.6%, +2.8]
Labour – 1262 [34%, -3.3]
Conservative – 745 [20.1%, +9.3]
Trade Unionist and Socialist Coalition – 54 [1.5%, +1.5]
Liberal Democrat – 47 [1.3%, -3.5]
UKIP – 35 [0.9%, -7.4]
Independent – 24 [0.6%, +0.6]

Green HOLD

Brighton and Hove UA, Patcham

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 2011 [41.5%, -8]
Green – 1733 [35.8%, +9.6]
Labour – 879 [18.1%, -6.2]
Liberal Democrat – 174 [3.6%, +3.6]
UKIP – 50 [1%, +1]

Conservative HOLD

Maldon DC, Tollesbury – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Independent – 531 [65.4%, +65.4]
Conservative – 224 [27.6%, -44.9]
Labour – 39 [4.8%, -22.7]
Liberal Democrat – 18 [2.2%, +2.2]

Independent GAIN from Conservative

Maldon DC, Heybridge East – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 510 [49.4%, -6.7]
Independent – 202 [19.6%, +19.6]
Labour – 123 [11.9%, +11.9]
Independent – 111 [10.7%, +10.7]
Liberal Democrat – 87 [8.4%, +8.7]

Conservative HOLD

Canterbury DC, Westgate – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Labour – 842 [39.2%, +5.4]
Liberal Democrat – 661 [30.8%, -6.5]
Conservative – 404 [18.8%, +9.2]
Green – 242 [11.3%, +2]

Labour GAIN from Liberal Democrat

Dover DC, Mill Hill – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 716 [40.3%, +9.9]
Labour – 608 [34.2%, -6.4]
Green – 292 [16.4%, -12.7]
Independent – 103 [5.8%, +5.8]
Liberal Democrat – 59 [3.3%, +3.3]

Conservative GAIN from Labour

Chelmsford DC, Moulsham Lodge – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 790 [43%, +18.5]
Liberal Democrat – 652 [35.5%, -18.9]
Independent Group – 183 [10%, +10]
Labour – 122 [6.6%, -0.8]
Green – 89 [4.8%, -8.8]

Conservative GAIN from Liberal Democrat

Lewes DC, Seaford West – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 1028 [56.3%, +9.9]
Liberal Democrat – 401 [22.0%, +22.0]
Green – 277 [15.2%, -19.0]
Labour – 120 [6.6%, -12.8]

Conservative HOLD

Lewes DC, Seaford East – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 820 [47.5%, +6.8]
Green – 452 [26.2%, +4.1]
Liberal Democrat – 347 [20.1%, +20.1]
Labour – 109 [6.3%, -10.2]

Conservative HOLD

Thanet DC, Newington – 6th May 2021

May 6, 2021

Conservative – 265 [37.2%, +14.0]
Labour – 260 [36.5%, -14.4]
Green – 144 [20.2%, -5.6]
Independent – 43 [6.0%, +6.0]

Conservative GAIN from Labour