Bedford BC, Kempston North
Lab 715 (52.2; +9.0)
Con 384 (28.0; -13.6)
LD Ant Caprioli 272 (19.8; +4.7)
Majority 331
Turnout not known.Lab hold
Percentage change is since June 2009.
Filter by region
Lab 715 (52.2; +9.0)
Con 384 (28.0; -13.6)
LD Ant Caprioli 272 (19.8; +4.7)
Majority 331
Turnout not known.Lab hold
Percentage change is since June 2009.
Lab 348 (40.7; +11.5)
Con 310 (36.2; +9.5)
Ind 198 (23.1; -8.1)
[PC (0.0; -12.9)]
Majority 38
Turnout 21%Lab hold
Percentage change is since May 2008.
Con 268 (55.1)
Ind 152 (31.3)
LD Michael Benjamin Quinn 66 (13.6)
Majority 116
Turnout 19%Con gain from Ind
Con 351 (33.0; +7.3)
Lab 316 (29.7; +5.0)
LD David Toombs 216 (20.3; -8.1)
Ind 138 (13.0; +2.5)
Green 44 (4.1; -6.8)
Majority 35
Turnout 20.35%Con hold
Percentage change is since May 2007.
Declaration of results
LD Lynda Kay Andre 664 (78.6)
Con 181 (21.4)
Majority 483
Turnout 43.45%LD hold
LD Mary Margarita Fallon 595 (55.5)
Con 477 (44.5)
Majority 118
Turnout 25.66%LD hold
Declaration of results
Lab 431 (47.1)Con 322 (35.2)
LD Sharon Carrington 95 (10.4)
BNP 57 (6.2)
Socialist Alternative 11 (1.2)
Majority 109
Turnout 26%Lab gain from Con
Declaration of results
LD Julia Bricknell 764 (55.6)
Con 505 (36.8)
Resident 105 (7.6)
Majority 259
Turnout 375LD hold
Lab 351 (40.7)
Cons 253 (29.4)
LD Gareth Owen 191 (22.2) (Lib Dem vote doubled)
Ind 67 (7.8)
Majority 98
Turnout not known
Lab hold.
Thanks to Lord Roger Roberts for these details.
Con 639 (48.0; +19.8)
Lab 425 (31.9; -7.2)
LD Daniel Joseph Jones 229 (17.2; +17.2)
Green 38 (2.9; +2.9)
[Ind (0.0; -32.7)]
Majority 214
Turnout 32%Con gain from Ind
Percentage change is since May 2007
LD George Andrew Howard 506 / Anne Patricia Wood 504 (53.0)
Con 448 (47.0)
Majorities 58 / 56
Turnout 27.72%LD gain from Ind (x2)
Lab 142 (27.6; +27.6)
Con 111 (21.6; +21.6)
BNP 102 (19.8; -4.9)
LD Mary Finch 88 (17.1; -58.2)
Ind 72 (14.0; +14.0)
Majority 31
Turnout not known.Lab gain from LD.
Percentage change is since May 2007.
Lab 608 (47.7; +12.8)
Con 475 (37.3; -13.0)
LD Anne Scott 158 (12.4; -2.4)
BNP 33 (2.6; +2.6)
Majority 133
Turnout 34.2%Lab gain from Con
Percentage change is since May 2008.
LD Wendy Pearce 582 (67.8)
UKIP 277 (32.2)
Majority 305.
Turnout 18.5%LD gain from Con.
LD Martin John Frearson 1482 (42.1; +2.6)
Con 1250 (35.5; +4.1)
Lab 540 (15.3; -0.1)
Green 249 (7.1; -6.7)
Majority 232
Turnout 33.1%LD hold
Percentage change is since June 2009.
LD Andy Grant 774 (49.5; -0.5)
Lab 354 (22.6; +9.3)
Con 342 (21.9; -3.8)
Green 93 (6.0; -5.0)
Majority 420
Turnout 27.87%LD hold
Percentage change is since May 2008.
LD John Griffin 327 (55.9; +10.1)
Con 258 (44.1; -10.1)
Majority 69
Turnout 32%LD gain from Con
Percentage change is since May 2007.
LD David Sleeman 591 (59.3)
Con 405 (40.7)
Majority 186
Turnout 22.2%LD gain from Con.
Lab 498 (61.3)
LD Mandy Sludds 314 (38.7)
Majority 184
Turnout not knownLab hold.
Con 274 (37.2; +10.8)
Lab 201 (27.3; +19.2)
LD Tony Zeid 164 (22.3; -11.2)
Ind 97 (13.2; -18.8)
Majority 73
Turnout 25.15%Con gain from LD
Percentage change is since June 2009.
The Councillor who was disqualified was Independent at the time of Disqualification but at the time of election he had been elected LD.
Con 324 (40.8)
Lab 304 (38.2)
MK 167 (21.0)
Majority 20
Turnout not knownCon gain from Ind
LD Tom Stubbs 604 (47.0)
Con 524 (40.8)
MK 156 (12.1)
Majority 80
Turnout not knownLD gain from Ind
Con 280 (50.4)
LD Rebecca Elissa Margaret Williams 276 (49.6)
Majority 4
Turnout 13.76%Con gain from LD
Con 495 / 446 (53.1)
LD Ann Murray 437 / Marc Benier 400 (46.9)
Majorities 58 / 9
Turnout 20.91%Con gain from Ind x 2
Con 541 (43.9)
LD Eddy Powell 363 (29.4)
Ind 162 (13.1)
Ind 91 (7.4)
English Democrat 76 (6.2)
Majority 178
Turnout 19.81%Con gain from Ind.
LD Caroline Utting 345
Con 303
Ind 122Lib Dem Hold
Majority 42
Turnout 20.33%
LD Jill Fraser 1462 / Matt Sanders 1326 / Rahel Bokth 1291 (45.3; +1.7)
Lab 1257 / 1202 / 1114 (39.0; +4.6)
Con 259 / 250 / 236 (8.0; -3.1)
Green 246 / 240 / 181 (7.6; -3.2)
Majorities 205 / 69 / 34
Turnout 36.23%
LD holdPercentage change is since May 2006.
This is actually a deferred election from 6th May due to the death of one of the Lib Dem candidates. In 2006 this seat elected one Liberal Democrat and two Labour, however following one defection and one by-election the ward had three Lib Dem councillors going in to the election.
Con 1804 (63.5; -0.3)
LD Tony Evans 836 (29.4; +9.9)
Other 202 (7.1; -9.5)
Majority 968
Turnout 75%Con Hold
Percentage change is since May 2007.
Con 2415Con 2349
Lab 1729
Lab 1344
LD Adrian Michael Peter Dnes 1294
LD Tahl Macnair-Kay 1040
UKIP 543
Green 503
UKIP 491
Green 345
Turnout 66.4%Con hold
There was also a regular election in this ward.