Wales Motivate Days and Welsh Lib Dem Conference 2024

ALDC will be holding two Motivate Days in Wales this Autumn for local campaigners and campaign teams to receive campaign training and support.

A North Wales Motivate Day will be held on Saturday 28 September in Abergele and a South Wales Motivate Day will be held on Saturday 19 October in Swansea.

More details can be found on the links below.

All Lib Dem members are welcome and you don’t have to be an ALDC member to attend. You just need to register to attend and you will then receive further information by email about the event. Both events are completely free.

Welsh Liberal Democrat Conference 2024

You can also come and see us at Welsh Liberal Democrat Autumn Conference – taking place in Llandrindod Wells on the weekend of 15-17 November.

ALDC will have a stand at the exhibition and we will be conducting training sessions. More details will be available soon. You can find out more information and register here.

Super early-bird registration is available until 22 September and tickets are currently £25 with concessions available.

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