ALDC Autumn Webinars

We have a number of great training webinars coming up this Autumn.

These are completely free to all Lib Dem members. You just need to sign up in advance and we will send you a zoom code. There are webinars for councillors, candidates and campaigners.

Throughout October we will be running a series of five Connect webinars looking at different ways it can help you campaign, including VPBs, Questions and Scripts, Manager Tasks and using My Campaign.

All our sessions are repeated at 12:30 and 17:00. Book you place on the links below:

New Councillors Programme – follow up session
30 September 2024
Book here

You can be a Councillor
7 October 2024
Book here

Introduction to Connect
14 October 2024
Book here

Connect – Questions and Scripts
16 October 2024
Book here

Connect – Creating and using VPBs
18 October 2024
Book here

Connect – Managers Tasks
12 October 2024
Book here

Connect – Using my Campaign
23 October 2024
Book here

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