Council Motion: Winter Fuel Payment Cuts (England and Wales)

The new Labour Government has announced that 10 million pensioners across England and Wales will no longer be eligible for Winter Fuel Payments.

They have reduced the number of pensioners eligible for the payments from over 11 million to just 1.5 million – limiting eligibility to just those receiving Pension Credits and other similar benefits.

Many experts have already criticised the policy for limiting the payments to a much too narrow group of pensioners. Many low and middle income households are no longer eligible. See this useful summary from Martin Lewis

A further issue with Pension Credits is only 63% of those eligible take them up. Local Council’s have a role to play to ensure awareness is increased so those in need of support are not missing out on both their Pension Credits, and now in turn Winter Fuel Payments too.

The data set linked below contains the official Government figures for each local authority in England and Wales showing the number of pensioners who received the Winter Fuel Payment in 2022/23 and the number who are now eligible under the new rules – and the percentage change. Across all local authorities the average fall in eligibility is 88%.

Using this data we have produced a template Council Motion calling on the Government to suspend the changes to Winter Fuel Payments and introduce a fairer system for determining eligibility – such as Council Tax bands. The motion also calls upon the council to produce a promotion plan to increase take up of pension credits.

You can copy and paste the motion below, and don’t forget to localise it using the stats provided.

Council notes the recent announcement by the Labour Government to end universal winter fuel payments and restrict eligibility to only those in receipt of Pension Credits and other benefits.

Though many agree that universal Winter Fuel Payments are not necessary, Council is deeply concerned that many pensioners on lower and middle incomes will now not receive the payments. Across England and Wales the number of people eligible for winter fuel payments will fall by 10 million (from 11.4 million to only 1.5 million).

In AREA NAME the number of pensioners affected by the change in eligibility criteria is XX,XXX. That means XX.X% of pensioners currently eligible for winter fuel payments will no longer be able to claim the payment from this winter onwards.

Council believes that the Labour Government has set the threshold at which pensioners do not qualify for Winter Fuel Payments far too low. Only those receiving a pension of less than £218.15 a week (or £332.95 a week for couples) are eligible for pension credits. This is significantly lower than the living wage rate.

Council is also concerned by the low take up of pension credit with only 63% of those eligible nationwide receiving them – and over 880,000 pensioners not doing so. Council recognises the role we have to play to increase awareness of benefits such as Pension Credit to ensure people are aware of the support they are entitled to.

Council further notes that the Energy Price Cap is due to rise by 10% in October, which combined by the removal of Winter Fuel Payments will push thousands of local pensioners into fuel poverty.  

Council resolves to:

  • Instruct the Chief Executive to write to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the policy on linking Winter Fuel Payments to Pension Credit receipt to be immediately paused and introduce a new threshold to determine eligibility for Winter Fuel Payments. Council further requests the Chief Executive write to all MPs covering COUNCIL AREA NAME asking them to give their formal support to halting the changes to the Winter Fuel Payment eligibility.

  • Request all group leaders within COUNCIL NAME sign a joint letter to the Chancellor of the Exchequer calling for the new Winter Fuel Payment policy to be suspended and reviewed.

  • Urgently commence a significant awareness campaign to maximise uptake of pension credits. This will include use of council noticeboards, social media, promotion in local press and also targeted letters to those who may be eligible.

Once you have drafted your council motion, remember to send a press release to local journalists and democracy reporters. Below is a press release template for you, don’t forget to localise it using the stats provided.

News from NAME NAME Liberal Democrats


Contact: NAME NAME



(NUMBER IN COLUMN D) of pensioners across AREA will lose out on the Winter Fuel Payments worth up to £300 which have been axed by the new Labour Government 

In AREA, that means just (NUMBER in COLUMN B) pensioners will now be entitled to the payments to help with their winter fuel bills – a massive drop from the (NUMBER IN COLUMN C) residents who benefited under the old scheme, say AREA Liberal Democrats.

The Winter Fuel Payments ranged from £100 to £300 and were paid to everyone over the state pension age.

From this year onwards, to be eligible for the winter help, residents must have been born on or before 22nd September 1958 AND receive Pension Credit, Universal Credit, Income Support, income based Jobseeker’s Allowance or income-related Employment and Support Allowance, explained YOUR NAME, Liberal Democrat for AREA.

He added:” A big problem is that only about six in 10 people eligible for Pension Credits actually take them up. 

“That’s why we’re asking AREA Council to work with other councils and actively promote the Pension Credits – let’s get everyone who is entitled to this support claiming it and they should then be able to get the Winter Fuel Payment.

“And with the next winter fuel price cap rises expected to be announced on 27 August and 25 November, it will be an especially worrying time for people who had perhaps been counting on the now axed winter fuel payment to help them out again this year, said YOUR NAME, who represents the YOUR WARD on AREA council.

In the AREA Council area, (NUMBER IN COLUMN D) residents will not be getting the winter fuel payment this year following Labour’s surprise announcement.

“We are worried that more older people in AREA will be faced with the horrid and stark choice of heating or eating once more this winter,” said YOUR NAME.

“There will be many people likely to be just above the threshold for Pension Credit who will also undoubtedly struggle this winter. The Pension Credit is paid to those receiving a pension of less than £218.15 a week (or £332.95 a week for couples). 

“It’s difficult to believe that Labour would not have been aware of the real and biting impact such a drastic cut in the Winter Fuel Payments will have when they announced that nine in 10 pensioners would be frozen out. I am hopeful that all councils in WIDER AREA will do what they can to help people claim the Pension credit and also lobby the Government to raise the threshold so that more pensioners can be helped to hat their homes this winter,” added YOUR NAME. 


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