General Election Freepost – last few unaddressed slots – BOOK NOW

There are roughly 30 slots left for our unaddressed Election Freepost Communication offer this year.

All General Election candidates have the opportunity to deliver a free Election Communication through the Royal Mail – either addressed to every voter or unaddressed to every household in their constituency. Printing and packaging must still be paid for, but the delivery is free.

Lib Dem printers Election Workshop are providing a printing and delivery to the Royal Mail service on a first come basis this General Election. There has already been a huge demand and all slots for Addressed Election Communications are now taken.

However there is still capacity for Unaddressed Election Communications. This is for one leaflet to every household in the constituency. These will be allocated on a first come basis. Please email ALDC at to book a slot.

ALDC has a range of templates for your Election Communication that can be found here alongside pricing information.

Galen Milne says

What is the cost difference between Direct mail vs Unaddressed?

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