Recent figures published by the BBC for January 2024 show the extent that of waiting times for each NHS trust in England.
Almost all trusts are failing to meet NHS targets for A&E waits, long-term waits for treatments and ambulance hand over times. You can find up to date information for your trust by putting your postcode into the BBC’s NHS tracker. An additional set of stats is searchable through the Sky News website.
You can use these local figures to draw attention to the state of NHS waiting times in your area using the following ALDC templates:
There are also a number of Campaign Packs produced by the Lib Dem HQ Campaigns and Elections team which can be found on the Lib Dem Campaign Hub. These all draw on slightly different data sets and data ranges. Take a look at both ALDC and Lib Dem HQ’s resources to find the campaign messages that are right for your area on the huge issue of NHS access and waiting times.