Council Motion: Keep Vapes ‘Out of Sight’ of Children

The Local Government Association is calling for stricter regulations on vaping products to display and market them in a similar way to tobacco.

This follows recent research that shows the prevalence of vaping amongst children rose significantly in 2022.

  • You can read more about the LGA campaign here
  • A summery of the Government’s Nicotine Vaping Report 2022 can be found here
  • The Action on Smoking and Health report on e-cigarette use in children can be found here

We have put together a Template Council Motion based on the LGA campaign.

It would be a good idea to contact your council’s Licensing department to check if any local enforcement action has been required regarding the sale of vaping products to children. However even if no enforcement action has yet been required the template motion can still be moved.

The template Council Motion is below:

Council notes with concern;

  • The increased use of vaping products by children in the UK. Recent data from the ASH Smokefree GB Youth Survey 2022 found that the prevalence of vaping amongst 11-18 year olds is increasing – from 4% in 2021 to 8.6% in 2022 – and a significant number of children buy these vaping products directly from newsagents or supermarkets.
  • The increased number of local authorities who have recently had to take enforcement activity against shops illegally selling vaping products to youngsters. [INCLUDE LOCAL STATISTICS IF AVAILABLE]
  • The marketing of certain vaping products – with bright coloured packaging and flavours such as bubblegum – that might appeal to children.
  • The significant increase in availability of disposable and single-use vaping products which are cheaper and easier for children to access.

Council acknowledges the role vaping products play in aiding adults to stop smoking, and that vaping products carry a small fraction of the risk, and exposure to toxins, that are associated with cigarettes.

However vaping is not risk free; particularly for those who have never smoked. Vaping products contain nicotine and research shows that most children who use them have never smoked.

Council recognises the Local Government Association has raised concerns about the sale of vaping products to children. Council calls for vaping products to be regulated in a similar way as tobacco products, with plain packaging and a requirement for products to be kept out of sight behind shop counters.

Council calls for;

  • Vaping products to be in plain packaging and kept out of sight behind the counter.
  • Mandatory age-of-sale signage on vaping products (this is currently voluntary)
  • A ban on free samples of vaping products being given out to people of any age.

Council instructs the Chief Executive to write to Stephen Barclay MP, Secretary of State for Health and Social Care, to express Council’s demand for the greater regulation of vaping products detailed in this motion.

Council further resolves to bring a joint report to upcoming Council Licensing and Health & Wellbeing Board meetings detailing enforcement activity and strategy within [AREA NAME] related to the illegal sale of vaping products to children, and exploring opportunities for engagement with local schools to inform young people of the potential dangers of vaping.


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