The Scottish Liberal Democrats have arranged for free surveys with Freepost return envelopes to be printed.
These can be used for both deliveries and knock and drops and so far they have been a big success for the teams who have been using them.
The benefits so far include:
- Plenty of great data both on issues and voting intentions for Connect.
- Helping local councillors identifying casework
- New members and volunteers have also been recruited for multiple teams so far
- New email addresses and phone numbers to help with campaigning
- A good return rate when combined with the Freepost return envelope provided
ALDC really encourage activists and councillors to make use of surveys – they have a really big impact. As such we would encourage members to take up this offer – you can read more about best practice with surveys here.
If you would like to get hold of some of these surveys, please contact ALDC’s Scottish Development Officer James Calder at