By-Election Location
By winning party colour

Voting Breakdown
Percentage based

Gains and Losses
Percentage based

Conservative: 379 [39.3% , +24.4%]
Liberal Democrat (Peter Squire): 337 [35.0% ,+16.2%] 
Green: 163 [16.9% , from nowhere]
Labour: 85 [8.8%, -10.5%]

Conservative GAIN from Independent

Pauline Allon says

I finds this result extremely worrying because if people are prepared to vote Conservative with all the sleaze and immorality and lying that has happened, god help us when the next general election comes. People need to wake up to what this Johnson government (they are not Tories) are doing to our democracy and our country and vote against them at every opportunity.

Pauline Allon says

The opposition parties that is Labour, Lib Dems, Greens, SNP etc need to work together and form a political alliance at the next election because our voting system will allow the Johnson Government to return and destroy whatever is left of our democracy. We must work together and form an alliance - its the only way. forward.

Anna Beria says

People vote differently in local and general elections. What I find tragic is that had the handful of Labour voters put aside their tribalism for the day, the LibDems would have won the seat.

Christopher Oram says

It turns out that the Tories did very well with the postal voters which was landing on doorsteps just before the sleaze allegations came to light. We can take encouragement from the amount of votes we secured on the day of the election which was much much more than the conservatives but their lead with the postal voters was too great to catch up to.

Labour votes did collapse and were soundly beaten by the Green candidate. If you look at the 2019 local election results your can see that the top three candidates were all independents so we did very well to get 35% vote share.

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