Council Motion: Reject First Past the Post

Below is a template motion from ‘Council’s for PR’ – a single issue group that supports Local Government campaigning for PR to be used in Westminster elections.

You can find out more about the campaign on their website here: Councils for PR – A Get PR Done Project

The Council Motion reads:

First Past the Post (FPTP) originated when land-owning aristocrats dominated parliament and voting was restricted to property-owning men.

In Europe, only the UK and authoritarian Belarus still use archaic single-round FPTP for general elections. Meanwhile, internationally, Proportional Representation (PR) is used to elect parliaments in more than 80 countries. Those countries tend to be more equal, freer and greener.

PR ensures all votes count, have equal value, and those seats won match votes cast. Under PR, MPs and Parliaments better reflect the age, gender and protected characteristics of local communities and the nation.
MPs better reflecting their communities leads to improved decision-making, wider participation and increased levels of ownership of decisions taken.

PR would also end minority rule. In 2019, 43.6% of the vote produced a government with 56.2% of the seats and 100% of the power. PR also prevents ‘wrong winner’ elections such as occurred in 1951 and February 1974.

PR is already used to elect the parliaments and assemblies of Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland. So why not Westminster?
Council therefore resolves to write to H.M. Government calling for a change in our outdated electoral laws to enable Proportional Representation to be used for general elections.

Council therefore resolves to write to H.M. Government calling for a change in our outdated electoral laws to enable Proportional Representation to be used for general elections.

Kathy Grant says

We need PR for council elections too.

Rafal Rzepka says

FPTP is an undemocratic system.

Jo Molyneux says

This is the only way forward to a truly fair election. I support it without any hesitation.

Ben Ranner says

With first past the post, the promotion of gerrymandering and disenfranchised voters is inevitable. Please look to make votes cast reflect those who are elected.

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