Here at ALDC, we wanted to highlight some of our Party’s fantastic local literature, and here is this week’s winnner!
Congratulations to Mark Jeffery and Team Portsmouth who are this week’s winners! You can see their lovely tabloid in the photo above, and click here to see a PDF of the fantastic tabloid!
You’ll notice that this week’s Leaflet of the Week is a little different. Instead of a Focus leaflet, this month Team Portsmouth sent out a tabloid! Portsmouth Campaign Manager, Mark Jeffery, told us why:
“Where we regularly put out FOCUS’, having something that ‘looks different’ occasionally going out means that we might attract a different group of people who wouldn’t normally read a Lib Dem coloured and branded leaflet, to read it.”
“It also means that we can put in more news, and we are doing a lot. Also a tabloid can help promote a city-wide (or borough or district-wide in other localities) sense of team and city-wide issues.”
It’s great to see different leaflets from across the country, this week was particularly difficult to choose, so thank you so much for all of your entries!
Send entries for next week to Frankie Singleton frankie.singleton@aldc.org!