A number of Welsh ALDC members have proposed setting up a Welsh section of ALDC, possibly along the lines of ASLDC in Scotland. The decision on whether to do this, or not, is entirely for those ALDC members living in Wales.
To consider the proposal we will hold an all members meeting, via Zoom. At this meeting, the members will have the opportunity to support the outline idea. If agreed, the meeting will elect a small steering group to work with staff to progress the idea. A full election for the new committee would be held at a later date.
Provisionally we are intending to hold the meeting at 6pm on Tuesday 29th June. Members will be emailed with an invitation and registration details. Please do note that this meeting is for ALDC members.
It is important to note that this work will sit alongside ALDC’s work and support towards next year’s local elections. It is vital that we have candidates in place and campaigning underway this Summer.
Save the date for Welsh training
ALDC is working with the Welsh staff team to offer the best possible training for candidates in next year’s local elections. In addition to ALDC’s flagship Kickstart event in July, we will be running a Motivate day in Wales on Saturday 25th September.
More details and venues etc. will be sent out in the next few weeks, but please reserve the date. It is currently proposed to be an in person event.
Mike Day says
Sounds a good idea