We have previously highlighted council motions that you can put forward calling for a fairer tax system. Fair Tax Week builds on this and looks at other ways that we can make the case.
Fair Tax Week 2021, running from 5-13th June, is a celebration of the companies and councils that are proud to promote responsible tax conduct and pay their fair share of tax. Using #CelebratingFair, the week will provide a platform to explore the positive contribution tax makes to society.
Mary Patel from the Fair Tax Foundation has put together 5 great reasons to get involved:
1. It’s about your local area
More and more councils across the UK are standing up for responsible tax conduct including Sunderland Cllr Niall Hodson, who seconded a Motion supporting the Councils for Fair Tax Declaration, said: “It’s important that we lead by example. Everyone needs to pay their fair share, especially now when public spending is under such intense pressure, and the challenges this presents to the maintenance of crucial frontline services.” Register for our webinar on ‘Local areas standing up for fair tax’, Wednesday 9th June at 1pm.
2. It’s so easy to be part of Fair Tax Week. We’ve created free digital packs packed with ideas on what you can do, social media-friendly graphics and more. Come and join our range of online events with fantastic speakers such as Nick Shaxson, author of bestselling books Treasure Islands and Finance Curse.
3. Global corporate tax reform is on the cards
Fair Tax Week takes place as the UK continues to emerge from economic lockdown and the world’s major economies wrestle with what ‘fair tax’ looks like at a global level.
Fortuitously, many of the world’s leaders will be in the UK during Fair Tax Week (at a G7 gathering) and we are urging them to help secure the advancement of tax justice, and allow the following month’s G20 gathering of finance ministers to put pen to paper on real and lasting change. Countries such as the US, Germany and Italy have already signalled that they are supportive of a substantial global minimum tax, to help curtail profit-shifting and tax dodging. We need the UK to do the same.
4. Celebrating responsible business has never been more important. Given the tough trading conditions many organisations have endured during the covid pandemic, it has never been more important to highlight those businesses doing the right thing.
5. Corporation tax is fantastic!
Corporation Tax is often presented as a burden, but it shouldn’t be. Not when considered against the huge array of public services it helps fund.