You may have heard about ALDC’s Group Membership offer before. If you were ever unsure, or wanted to know more, then this blog post should explain everything you need to know.
By being a group member you get access to an enhanced offer of 4 features that other ALDC members do not get access to:
- Council group development days: Your local party gets a free away day or group training session on an annual basis by an ALDC staff member
- Permanent 10% discount for group members: Permanent discount that works concurrently with other discounts (apart from the £2.50 monthly concessionary offer)
- Candidates get half price membership before polling day: for 50% off membership when you join ALDC for the first time if your local party is in group membership and you are a candidate
- One free membership slot for a group researcher: Keep your researcher or political assistant in the loop with a free slot so they can access all of ALDC’s policy services free of charge whilst in post
To get this moving, essentially what happens is that the account holder fills in and signs the bank mandate form. Once you scan or send it back to us in the post, we stop taking payments from existing members directly to ALDC from individuals, and group members simply start paying the local party account instead. We are happy to explain this further if you need more information, simply ring us on 0161 302 7532 or email: info@aldc.org
If you would like to see a full list of benefits or different ways of interacting with ALDC, please visit: Join Association of Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners | ALDC: Liberal Democrat Councillors and Campaigners
You can add as many candidates to your group as you like, and please let us know of any new candidates or campaigners who would benefit from ALDC support.