The Leeds North West Liberal Democrats are seeking applications for the post of Campaign Organiser.
This is a new, temporary post. It is part-time, 10 hours per week. Starting 18 January 2021, the employment will last for one year. It is possible that the period of employment and the hours available will be extended in the future, dependent on funding.
The role of the Campaign Organiser will be to support the Leeds North West local party in campaigning for the 2021 Leeds City Council elections, and to help the local party to grow its membership, fundraising and profile in order to achieve further successes in subsequent years.
This is a job based in Leeds and includes office space in Headingley for the post holder. In view of the COVID pandemic, we will be very happy for the post holder to work primarily from home at first. However, being physically based in Leeds will be an advantage: for example in order to receive deliveries of leaflets and distribute them to local volunteers. Once COVID restrictions are reduced, the expectation is that the majority of work would be done from the office. The line manager for this role will be the chair of the Leeds North West local party.
The post is paid at £18-21,000 per annum pro rata, dependent on experience, with a pension entitlement of 5%.
About the Leeds North West Liberal Democrats
Leeds North West was represented by a Liberal Democrat MP from 2005 to 2017, but is now Labour held. The Conservatives have also always retained a substantial local presence, and this resurged in 2019 in the context of a national swing towards them. Despite this, we achieved a significant success in May 2019, taking a council seat from Labour. We now have five councillors within the parliamentary seat, Labour have four and the Conservatives three.
The Leeds City Council elections for May 2020 were postponed as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, but we have used the time to review our current strengths and weaknesses and develop a strategy plan designed to support our ambitions to rebuild and ultimately retake the parliamentary seat. Our decision to hire a Campaign Organiser came out of this planning exercise, and will be a crucial component in our future success. Our main goal for 2021 is to defend two standing councillors and win an additional seat in the May elections.
For full details of the role and how to apply, please go to: https://www.leedsnwlibdems.org.uk/campaign_organiser