We all know that next May’s elections are big. Combining votes for the Scottish Parliament and Welsh Senedd, PCC elections in England and Wales, with English London Mayor and Assembly, and other local elections, everyone in Great Britain has a least one ballot, and many people have several.
It represents a great chance for the Liberal Democrats to make gains and establish some political momentum.
However, there is a big but here. We win when we get out and run great campaigns, delivering leaflets and knocking on doors. With COVID having massively reduced campaigning in 2020, we have a lot to do in 2021. We won’t win seats based on the status quo – others will. To win, we need to campaign hard over the next five months.
We can deliver success in 2021, by campaigning on the ground in our own areas, at all times making sure it is safe and appropriate to do so. Don’t forget the up to date Party guidance regarding campaigning and Covid is here. (libdems.org.uk/covid19).
So much campaigning is going on at a local level so let’s share what we’re doing – and win £100 for our local campaigns!
ALDC staff will be joining local teams to help get campaigning off to a bang in the New Year. We will be getting out on the weekend of the 2 and 3 January to campaign and we invite you to join us. We are asking everyone to tweet, post on Instagram or post on Facebook photos on your campaigning activity, whatever it is. Use #GetOutAndWin.
Share your pictures of campaigning every weekend on on Twitter and Instagram using the hashtag #GetOutAndWin, and in the ALDC Facebook Group. – At the end of every weekend through January we’ll entering all photos uploaded into a draw for a prize of a £100 print voucher, kindly sponsored by Election Workshop.
We can deliver everywhere. We can phone canvass everywhere. We can knock on doors almost everywhere, so let’s do what we do best – ‘Get Out And Win’.
Come and join ALDC campaigning.