Get out the vote
There’s not long left. So concentrate your efforts carefully. Getting out your vote will be the difference between winning and losing so work hard on polling day and before to motivate and remind your voters.
Read more on planning your GOTV operation here.
You can find a full range of knock up leaflets (for reminding voters to vote on the day) here – aldc.org/resources or on ALDC Artworker here.
You can find Affinity Publisher Good morning leaflet and Eve of poll leaflet templates here and you can find them on ALDC Artworker here.
The Count
Your work doesn’t stop at 10pm on polling day. You can still make a difference at the count. We’ve got a full article here on how to make the most of the count.
You can also use the following to help you make the most of the count:
- Single ward count tracker excel spreadsheet – XLS
- A briefing for the agent at the count – PDF
- Questionable ballot paper guide – PDF
After the election
After the election there’s a few things to think about
Election Expenses
We have developed an expenses tracking tool which will help Agents to keep and eye on expenditure through the campaign. You can access it here.
Postcode Sector Tool
Postcode sectors are important to know when booking delivery with Royal Mail and also when buying Facebook advertising. However, it can be frustrating trying to figure out which postcode sectors cover your area. We have developed a helpful tool that tells you what you need to know and you can access it here.
Jeff Muir says
Hi, one or two of our candidate have committed to other leaflet options, but I have been asked would they be able to add a single leaflet from your x3 bulk deal above to supplement what they are already doing? probably the A3