The deadline to apply for this scheme for GE2019 has now passed – we will be in touch with everyone who signed up but this might take a few days – we received a large number of enquiries for help with marked registers.
MARKED REGISTER DATA ENTRY: sign up here before 30 November
Marked registers from the 2019 general election are only available from your local council for a few more weeks – this data cannot be purchased after 12 December 2020.
Marked registers are one of the most important ways you can gather “likelihood to vote” data about your local electorate. With time running out to acquire marked registers from the 2019 general election, ALDC is working with local parties to make sure you don’t miss out on this valuable data.
We’ve teamed up with Liberal Software, the team who developed Registr, to offer a new service to local parties: we will acquire, input and upload the marked register for an entire parliamentary constituency for just £200, plus the costs of purchasing the data from your council.
Has your local party purchased the marked registers already but no one knows how to upload the data to Connect? Just fill in this form and make it clear you already have the PDFs and we will get in touch.
Example price per Westminster constituency
Administration and upload costs: £230 (£200 for ALDC members)
Cost of purchasing polling station marked registers: approx. £75
Cost of purchasing postal vote marked register (optional): approx. £20
Total: £325.00 (£295 for ALDC members)
Registr is a piece of software that matches your marked registers (in PDF form) with data from Connect. It is at least as accurate as a volunteer and can save hours of manual inputting and allows you to focus more time on campaigning. The system has been very positively received by Liberal Democrats across the country since it was first rolled out in 2018.
NB We won’t ordinarily provide this service for an electoral area smaller than a Westminster constituency.
The deadline to sign up for this offer is 5pm on Monday 30 November.