Many of us will be in areas that have received money from the Emergency Active Travel Fund. The main aims of the fund sit well with what a lot of us want to see for our areas – support for alternatives to traveling by car and safer ways to move around our communities. However, many schemes have been put in place without a consultation period and, in some cases, this has meant projects being divisive or done in haste. This council motion highlights this and looks for solutions.
Consult residents on the Emergency Active Travel Fund road infrastructure changes
Council notes that the Council was awarded funding under the Department for Transport’s initiative known as the Emergency Active Travel Fund and has carried out work roads in the city-centre and elsewhere, such as the installation of cycle lanes and changes to bus lanes. This work has taken place in advance of any consultation with residents.
Council further notes that the Council has received a large volume of negative feedback from residents regarding aspects of the sudden changes to the roads in the city. Major concerns were raised over the lack of consultation with residents in carrying out sudden changes to the road network.
Council calls for the immediate introduction of a full and detailed resident consultation programme. This will allow for consultation with residents about the changes made around the city.
Council notes that carrying out public consultation it should be mindful of the risks of COVID-19 and that virtual platforms offer risk-free ways to consult the public without any physical contact.