Job opportunity with the LGA Liberal Democrat Group
As many of you know Amy in the office has moved onto a new job so we are looking for a new member of the team to join Terry and Rob.
We are looking to recruit Political Administrator to join the LGA Liberal Democrat Group, as one of the political group offices at the LGA, Liberal Democrat councillors, providing a strong voice within the cross-party LGA and with the Liberal Democrat Party at Westminster, and the wider Liberal Democrat family.
Details about the role can be found on the job train website, so please share in your networks. Terry in the office is happy to have a chat with any interested candidates.
Lib Dem Campaigning Good Practice
“We Love North Somerset”
North Somerset Council, where Lib Dems are part of a partnership administration, has launched a “We Love North Somerset” to celebrate places, people and businessses: www.n-somerset.gov.uk/news/we-north-somerset-campaign-launches-week
South West councils have worked together to call for more Government support for leisure services. Lib Dem North Somerset Council has invested more than £1 million supporting leisure centres so far: www.n-somerset.gov.uk/news/south-west-councils-make-urgent-call-leisure-centres-funding