The Annual General Meeting of the Association of Scottish Liberal Democrat Councillors & Campaigners (ASLDC) will be held by Zoom teleconference on Tuesday 16th June 2020 at 7pm.
Apologies should be intimated to me at Robert@robertbrown.org.uk.
The meeting is open to all members of ASLDC but any potential new members are free to attend in a non-voting capacity.
1. Convener’s Welcome
2. Sederunt & Apologies
3. Minutes of AGM of 22nd February 2019 in Hamilton
4. Convener’s Report
5. Treasurer’s Report and approval of Accounts for year 1st January -31st December 2019
6. Election of Office bearers and Committee.
(Please note that, whilst all positions are open for election, we are particularly seeking a Secretary following the retirement of Derek Barrie after many years of service to ASLDC and the Party)
a) Convener
b) Vice Convener
c) Secretary
d) Treasurer
e) Minute Secretary
f) 7 Ordinary Members
7. Consideration of Motions (if any) – signed by at least 5 members of ASLDC and submitted no later than 7 days before the meeting.
9. Guest contributor – Richard Cole (Development & Field Team Manager, ALDC)
Any other questions?
If you have any more questions please contact Robert@robertbrown.org.uk