Councillor Howard Sykes MBE has welcomed plans agreed by Liberal Democrat Conference last month, which he attended, to tackle economic, social and environmental problems.
The conference held last month in Bournemouth debated net zero-carbon emissions in the UK by 2045. It also aimed to tackle the ever-growing number of Young Carers who are still missing out on important life skills due to heavy care responsibilities. Conference voted to draw clear support guidelines for Young Carers and declare a series of initiatives to combat the UK’s carbon footprint.
The Liberal Democrats also backed a radical tax shake up for businesses. Liberal Democrats have already brought the issue forward locally in Oldham Borough at the July 2019 Council meeting. They want big companies to pay their fair share just like everyone else and reject Conservative proposals to turn Britain into a ‘tax haven’ exclusively for the rich.
Councillor Sykes MBE says these manifesto ideas are an absolute necessity:
“Giving local councils a legal duty to become carbon neutral is vital. The Liberal Democrats have started this conversation. Now it is time to act. We want to decarbonise every element of society and preserve this world for the next generation.”
“Everyone knows current business taxes are too complicated, misleading and easily avoided by large multinationals. Everyone should pay their fair share! This is especially poignant when families are struggling to make ends meet have to pay tax as well.”
“I applaud the thousands of Young Carers up and down the country for the commitment to who they care for. The level of support these young people get from councils and the government is still not good enough. I am proud the Liberal Democrats have a plan to tackle these issues.”
Link to the Climate change emergency motion: https://www.libdems.org.uk/f29-climate-crisis
Link to the Business tax reform Motion: https://www.libdems.org.uk/f7-business-tax-reform
Link to Supporting young carers Motion: https://www.libdems.org.uk/f14-young-carers
Link to Supporting young carers Motion: https://www.libdems.org.uk/f14-young-carers