There are four vacancies for Liberal Democrat Councillors with the LGA Liberal Democrat Group. Details below. Expressions of interest need to be sent to terry.stacy@local.gov.uk by 5pm 22nd October.
LGA Children and Young People’s Board
A substitute member is needed for this Board – you would still receive papers but only expected to attend when one of the other Liberal Democrat members cannot make it. This Board has responsibility for Local Government Association (LGA) activity on the wellbeing of children and young people, including education, social care, health and early years., and we are asking for expressions of interest for the post on one side of A4 detailing relevant experience. Details can be found here: http://lga.moderngov.co.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=159
LGA City Regions Board
A substitute member is needed for this Board – you would still receive papers but only expected to attend when one of the other Liberal Democrat members cannot make it. This Board represents the interests of city areas. Its remit includes growth, transport infrastructure, skills and wider public service reform. Details can be found here: http://lga.moderngov.co.uk/mgCommitteeDetails.aspx?ID=158
Council of European Municipalities and Regions
The Council of European Municipalities and Regions (CEMR) represents the interests of Europe’s local and regional governments and their associations in more than 40 countries. It promotes citizenship and exchange between elected representatives. The LGA Liberal Democrat Group is looking for a female Councillor to appoint as the groups substituent to the Council. Details can be found here: https://ccre.org/”
The Congress of the Council of Europe
We are looking to appoint a full member of Congress of Council of Europe. The Council of Europe works to promote human rights, democracy and rule of law. It has 47 member states with over 800m people, ie the whole European continent. It is financed by government contributions, there is no cost to UK associations and devolved bodies. We already have one full member Cllr Peter Thornton (Cumbria CC & South Lakeland DC) so we looking for a second from a District, London Borough or small unitary. It is until the end of 2020 and is not an EU institution so is not affected by Brexit (should it happen). Please can you let us have one side of A4 on what skills you think you would bring to the post and why we should consider you. Details can be found here: https://www.coe.int/en/web/congress/home
Applications for any of these need to be sent to terry.stacy@local.gov.uk by 5pm 22nd October.