You may have seen the news that Barclays Bank have written to their customers saying that they will not be able to use Post Offices to withdraw money from January. This will be a real blow to many communities across the UK in particular rural areas and towns where the Post Office is the only place where people can withdraw money due to banks having closed down. Thanks to Cllr Bridget Smith for her suggestion of a motion and to Tim Farron MP for the example press release and letter.
Draft Council motion:
This Council:
– Notes that Barclays has written to its customers saying that it will no longer allow customers to withdraw funds from Post Offices as of January 2020;
– is deeply concerned about the impact on its elderly and vulnerable residents of Barclays Bank’s decision not to allow its account holders to withdraw money at Post Office Counters. In many of our villages [and towns] there is no longer easy access to a bank or to a cash point machine and the lack of public transport means that withdrawing cash at a post office is the only option for many people.
Council requests that the Leader writes to the Director of Barclays Bank UK to ask for the decision to be reconsidered in light of the consequences it will have, especially in increasing rural deprivation and isolation.
Draft Letter:
Andrea Leadsom MP
Secretary of State for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy,
1 Victoria Street, London SW1H 0ET
Dear Secretary of State
I write to represent my residents with regard to the announcement by Barclays that customers would no longer be able to withdraw cash from the post office, a commitment which a year ago they promised as an alternative means to access accounts due to the deeply unpopular closure of local branches.
I really hope you will step in and stop these changes, especially as my own area suffers from transport poverty, has very few local banks, and now faces the prospect of rural financial poverty. Residents are really concerned that they will be forced to do long round trips to access cash – which will also hinder efforts to tackle climate change.
Barclays have said they will not let customers withdraw cash from a Post Office counter using a debit card. There has been understandable condemnation, for example, Consumer Association Which? says it is a “shocking decision” which exposes the fragility of the UK’s cash system. Equally, the Payment Systems Regulator, which oversees the cash system, warned it was “concerned about the impact”, while the Chair of the Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy (BEIS) Committee, called the decision “unjustifiable”, adding that Barclays needs to “think again”.
I trust you will act on this matter and call Barclays to account.
Thank you for your time and assistance in this matter.
With best wishes
Yours sincerely
Example Press Release: https://timfarron.co.uk/en/article/2019/1328534/mp-slams-barclays-for-throwing-south-lakes-communities-under-a-bus