The Centre for Public Scrutiny (CfPS) has launched its survey on Scrutiny committees and it is now open for responses – https://www.surveymonkey.co.uk/r/FXM85B6. The survey asks councillors a number of questions about scrutiny’s impact and effectiveness, and councils’ organisational commitment to scrutiny. Filling it in should take about 10 minutes.
- It will help the CfPS and you to better understand the challenges you face, and how you can overcome those challenges;
- The responses will give you the kinds of insight you need to reflect on how you do your work in light of the new Government scrutiny guidance;
- Having effective, robust information about scrutiny and its effectiveness helps to argue the case for scrutiny and its role both to national bodies, and to the leaderships of your own authorities.
As an incentive to fill in the survey, every person who provides a response will be entered into a draw from which we will pick three people to each receive a free pass to our conference in December. This pass can either be used by you or any other person you choose to nominate.
The CfPS will be sharing key findings with the political group offices at the LGA. The survey closes on 15 November.