We have entered a summer of by-elections in Scotland and we need your help to win them.
In Shetland, Cllr Beatrice Wishart (pictured) has been selected as our candidate for the Scottish Parliamentary By-Election to succeed Tavish Scott. This is a must win by-election and the good news is everyone in Scotland can help!
This week we are doing clerical work addressing envelopes in Scottish Lib Dem HQ at Clifton Terrace. We are also starting phone banking to start canvassing voters around Shetland.
Of course if you can make it to Shetland that would also really help, so why not book yourself a few days to campaign in our most northerly constituency this July and August! All help will be greatly appreciated!
We also have council by-elections elsewhere in Scotland. In Aberdeen Bridge of Don constituency there is going to be a double by-election in a target ward which with hard work we can win. If you can make it up there in the near future that would really help.
In South Lanarkshire, Paul McGarry is our candidate for East Kilbride Central North, Paul and the Central Scotland Lib Dem team would appreciate all help possible delivering and canvassing.
With by-elections across Scotland, it is a great opportunity to keep up our recent record of winning and visit lots of places. If you want further information get in touch with me, James Calder, ALDC Development Officer for Scotland via james.calder@aldc.org.