Lib Dem podcasts

As the party rightly looks to diversify the way that we spread information and our messages, we want to bring to your attention two relatively new podcasts from long established commentators within the party.

Mark Pack and Stephen Tall host the wittily named, ‘Never Mind the Bar Charts’ which can be accessed by clicking here.

Meanwhile, Cllr. Richard Kemp and Cllr. John Potter give their views and ‘activists’ perspective’ on Lib Dem Pod, which is accessible here.

Jane Pickard says

I'm hoping to find a podcast perhaps a 1: 1 conversation on the Lib Dems which I can offer to those whom I find who are curious but not committed to reading the manifesto. Ideally something that talks the values and constitution rather than caught up in one argument or stance. Can you point me to such a place please

Gareth Lloyd-Johnson says

Hi Jane,

It's still a relatively small field so there may not be something that absolutely ticks that box.

What I would suggest is the 29th July episode of Richard and John's 'Lib Dem Podcast' titled 'Being a Target Candidate with Lisa Smart'. This touches not only on why Lisa is a Liberal Democrat but also on what that means more widely. There's a nice balance of the 'philosophical' with the practical policy side.

I hope that helps.

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