Dear colleague,
I am contacting to remind you of the sector led support programme for political and clinical leaders and health and care systems funded by the Department for Health and Social Care, for 2019/20. This strategic leadership support offer has been delivered in partnership between LGA and NHS Clinical Commissioners with the audience as Health and Wellbeing Boards (HWBs), HWB Chair/leading members and CCG Chairs who are also Co/Vice Chairs of HWBs. The offer is flexible and has continually adapted and increased its impact over this time.
Below is an outline of what we can offer, free, to the system and to system leaders together with links to the relevant flyers. The support is delivered by credible senior NHS and local government colleagues and highly experienced elected member peers.
Please get in touch if you have any questions.
Systems leadership development
These sessions are for those who have a leading role in a health and care system. The free sessions provide a briefing on the policy issues, look at leadership challenges for these high profile roles, and relate these to each attendees’ local context. As well as hearing from a range of participants across the health and care system, information about further support on offer is provided and there is plenty of opportunity for discussion and networking.
These free events are aimed at:
- HWB chairs, adult social care leads, public health leads or for members in any other political leadership role in care and health
- Vice/chairs of HWB from CCGs and CCG chairs
Annual Induction for new political and clinical leaders in health and care takes place 26 June 2019 – please book a place with: paige.edwards@local.gov.uk.
Leadership Essentials: HWB chair/co-/vice chairs, CCG chairs/leading political role in a health and care system. Three 2019 dates at Warwick Conference Centre:
- 18-19 July
- 15-16 October
- 5-6 November (joint with Adult Social Care session)
These free two-day residential sessions are an opportunity to reflect on the leadership challenges of these roles, away from the day job, and to share experiences and actively learn from each other. Using the LGA’s tried and tested approach to leadership development, the programme will be led by LGA member peers and national health partners and focus on a range of current and crucial issues. These sessions are evaluated very positively and provide a unique and safe environment for political and clinical leaders to come together for frank discussions about national and local challenges and opportunities.
Please book a place with: grace.collins@local.gov.uk.
Annual Summit for Political and Clinical leaders takes place 18th March 2020 – please book a place with: paige.edwards@local.gov.uk.
A full prospectus of support for care and health leaders along with the ‘must know’ publications.