Baroness Judith Jolly, Liberal Democrat Health Spokesperson in the House of Lords, is asking Liberal Democrat councillors for their experiences of Local Healthwatch Schemes. All responses gratefully received to the following questions:
- Have you been in contact with your Local Healthwatch about health and care providers in your ward or those used by your ward population and if so when were you most recently in contact?
- How frequently does your Health and Social Care Scrutiny Committee review Local Health Watch reports or recommend areas for Local Health Watch attention?
- Would you consider putting a question about health and care issues on a ward focus?
Please send any replies to Baroness Jolly’s research assistant, Linus Uhlig, at UHLIGL@parliament.uk.
Find further information from the LGA, including n Healthwatch resources.
Alan Rice says
Yes - I am in regular contact with my local Healthwatch and met with them last month.
I know the trustee chair of the local Healthwatch attends the Health Overview & Scrutiny Panel (HOSP) but I am not aware whether HOSP considers their reports.
Yes - I would consider putting a question about health and care issues on a ward focus.