Cllr Howard Sykes writes: “Following on from our earlier news items on permitted development in previous emails, thanks to Cllr Katrina Trott from Fareham for sending us this motion that she has submitted to her council.”
I propose that Fareham Borough Council calls upon the Secretary of State for Housing, Communities and Local Government to implement a review of the wide-ranging impacts of permitted development rights which allow change of use into residential homes. This would be in line with the views of the Local Government Association and the Royal Town Planning Institute, who recognise that problems have been caused by the 2013 deregulation of the planning system which allows offices to be converted into homes without planning permission. Currently, developers who convert offices to residential do not have to contribute towards affordable and social housing or local infrastructure.
You may find it helpful to have the LGA letter sent with other organisations such as Shelter and the LGA’s recent permitted development survey.