As we again approach Fairtrade Fortnight (25 February – 10 March), we will again be offering the chance to win some Fairtrade chocolate goodies… and more importantly, helping you to win in May.
Our Knock for Choc campaign gives you the chance to win a delicious chocolate hamper by making a few extra doorstep or phone contacts in your local campaign.
The ward with the most contacts – on the doorstep and over the phone – during Fairtrade Fortnight wins the jackpot: a gift box from Fairtrade chocolatiers Green & Black’s.
The elections on Thursday 2 May provide a fantastic opportunity to put the Liberal Democrats back on the map in local government and we hope this competition will encourage you to knock on those few extra doors this fortnight.
The rules:
- The competition is only open to ALDC members. Only wards that do not have a by-election campaign ongoing at any point between the competition’s dates can win the prize.
- All data must be collected and entered by 11.59pm on Sunday 10 March and must not be left over from before Monday 25 February.
- The team with the most contacts (phone and doorstep, only canvass data and refused) during the period February 25 (12.01 am) to March 10 (11.59pm) wins. In the event of a tie or disagreement, ALDC will decide the winner.
The final decision on the winning team will be made on Monday 11 March and announced shortly after.
With the mixture of a good cause and a great prize (and the boost it will give your campaign), it’s a fantastic chance to have some fun and treat your team.
Good luck and get knocking!
You can tell us about your triumphs using the hashtag: #knockforchoc