By-Election Location
By winning party colour

Voting Breakdown
Percentage based

Gains and Losses
Percentage based

LD Rachel Sunderland 1733 [51.3%; +9.0%]
Lab 1153 [34.1%; -10.6%]
Con 418 [12.4%; +2.4%]
Green 73 [2.2%; -0.8%]
LD gain from Lab
Percentage change from 2018

John Rossington says

Congratulations to Rachel and the Bradford Liberal Democrat Team. We sent a few people over from our constituency to help out and once again they were an excellent beacon of organisation. More importantly they have shown that we can win in inner city communities with large BME communities in the north of England. Bradford Liberal Democrats have much to teach the rest of the party.

John Rossington
Dewsbury and Mirfield Liberal Democrats

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