Following the LGA’s publication today of responses to its Social Care Green paper, Lib Dem Health and Social Care Spokesperson Richard Kemp said:
“We all know of the crisis in funding for social care services. So after the Conservative Government dragged its feet yet again and delayed its long-awaited green paper on adult social care, it was fantastic to see local government taking action and the LGA publishing its own green paper.
“And the responses the LGA publishes today make it clear beyond doubt: doing nothing is no longer an option.
“That is why the Liberal Democrats were right at the last general election to call for an immediate 1p rise on the basic, higher and additional rates of Income Tax to raise £6 billion additional revenue which would be ring-fenced to be spent only on social care and NHS services. The responses to the LGA Green Paper echoed this, saying that an increase either in national insurance and/or income tax should be considered.
“But going forward we know that local government has a key role to play in the delivery of and shaping both social care and health services. That’s why Liberal Democrats would bring together councils with all political parties and others across the health and social care system to carry out a comprehensive review of the longer-term sustainability of the health and social care finances and workforce, and the practicalities of greater integration.
LGA Liberal Democrat Group Leader Howard Sykes said: “Liberal Democrats say that it is more cost-effective to support people to be able to live at home rather than endure lengthy – and expensive – stays in hospital. We must move away from a fragmented system to an integrated service with more joined-up care. We believe this should happen from the bottom up, suiting the needs of local communities, so local government will have a key role to play.”