Please update the figures, evidence and local waste companies, since this motion was passed in 2017
Council notes:
- That at the last meeting of council it was revealed that the authority used over 36,000 disposable cups at its offices in 2017;
- That, at present, the authority has no means of recycling these cups, due to the material used in their manufacture;
- That, while the Executive Member for Resources has said that he hopes the authority will have the means to recycle such cups in future, it would be better for the environment to reduce the production of this waste rather than adding to recycling;
- That the cafe chain, Boston Tea Party, has recently announced that it is banning the use of disposable cups at all of its branches;
- And, that if it is possible for a commercial venture to take this step for the good of the environment, public bodies such as South Gloucestershire Council should demonstrate no less commitment.
This council calls upon the administration to work with Integra to eliminate the use of disposable cups at all council facilities by the end of the current calendar year.