Over the next three weeks ALDC members’ talents will be best used in a target seat.
The last set of county elections shows that we can increase our vote share a lot but still lose seats – we cannot let this happen in the General Election. If your seat is not in the tier one category (you will have been told if it is) you should invest most of your energy in a target seat. The federal party have created a handy website tool to tell you where you should help out. Click here and enter your postcode to find out where your help will make the difference.
ALDC members will know that we’re available to give advice on council and campaigning queries all year round. During General Election time we also run a special ‘Election Law Helpline’ for all Liberal Democrats. Find out more about this service.
ALDC members can also find everything they need on our Advice FAQ site.
Here at ALDC we provide the resources you need to campaign, all year every year. This is still the case during the General Election. Visit the links below to see some of the resources we’ve provided for your General Election Campaign so far:
- Template press release: Police funding
- Template press release: Pupil Premium
- Template press release: School Funding Announcement
- Template press release: £6billion for the NHS announcement
- The ALDC General Election Campaign Kit is completely free to Liberal Democrat members – you can sign up to receive it here. It contains briefings and advice on the key elements of campaigning and will be useful well beyond the end of this General Election cycle.
- Thank you leaflet and letter templates with General Election drop-in artwork
- ALDC’s General Election Templates
- Good practice leaflets from ALDC staff
- Unaddressed Election Communication Templates
Important Deadlines
- 22nd May – Deadline for registering to vote (midnight)
- 23rd May – Deadline for postal vote applications (5pm)
- 31st May – Deadline for proxy vote applications (not postal proxy or emergency proxy) (5pm)
- 1st June – Deadline for notification of polling and counting agents (midnight)
- 2nd June – First date that electors can apply for a replacement for lost postal votes
- 8th June – Polling day
Keep an eye on our General Election ‘one stop shop’ page as it features all of the above content and is added to as and when we produce new stuff.