Well done to every single ALDC member and campaigner who contributed to Sarah Olney’s Richmond Park by-election success. However you helped – in person, on the phone, by donation – this was a brilliant team effort, so thank you.
Net seat gains in local council by-elections since May 2016 show that people are open to listening to, and voting for, the Liberal Democrats.
Make sure you make the most of Richmond Park in your area. People like success stories, so we’ve produced some suggested text and a picture for a My Councillor (or other website story). And we’ve pieced together some suggested text for a FOCUS article drop-in (PDF version and PagePlus version). These are for ALDC members only – to take advantage of these and a whole range of other templates, campaigning aids and support materials, sign-up today.
Now would be a very good time to contact members to encourage them to get more involved, and invite them to events, action days and/or a Christmas social.
Good luck with your campaigning.