Tomorrow is polling day in the Culloden and Ardersier Council by-election in High land Council. Our candidate Trish Robertson is fighting hard to win and is the challenger to the SNP. To help get out the vote tomorrow call Thomas Prag on 01463 791617. You can still help with telephone bank today VPB code7EEBA1F-2908.
Hot on the heels of the Culloden by-election comes the Inverurie and District ward on Aberdeenshire Council. Alison Auld is leading the LIbDemfightback in the North East of Scotland and is campaigning hard to win it back on Thursday, November 3rd. Making a flying start he Lib Dems have been first out of the blocks with a constituency-wide Focus delivered in the first week of the campaign.
P&J coverage of Inverurie fightback
Alison is a strong local candidate with great experience to bring to the job of local councillor and community champion. She has lived in the town with her family for 20 years and has been actively involved in local community and voluntary projects. She is a community councillor and an active church member.
Alison and the team are out door-knocking three times a week with Focus delivery on top of that. You can help Alison by getting in touch with Marion Ewenson 07894 991105 email marion.ewenson@yahoo.co.uk
Alison was joined on the campaign trail by Scottish Liberal Democrat Leader Willie Rennie, launching the campaign against the SNP’s raid on Aberdeenshire Council tax payers. Alison said “Local residents are furious that £millions of their Council tax is to be grabbed by the SNP and spent in other council areas instead of being used to improve education for local school pupils, repairing road and protecting essential local services from SNP cuts.”
Aliso getting round the doors with Sir Bob Smith.
Alison knows the area, its people and the issues they face. She has 17 years experience as the senior caseworker for Sir Robert Smith former Liberal Democrat MP for West Aberdeenshire and Kincardine
She works as a support worker helping adults with learning disabilities, and is a regular volunteer with Aberdeenshire North Foodbank and a local social enterprise.
Alison said “On the doorsteps more and more people are saying he SNP only stand for independence. I want to bring my knowledge and experience of living and working in Inverurie, bringing up my family here and using local services ,to the job of Local councillor. I will stand up for the all the people in my community.”