After a quiet couple of weeks, we’re very happy to see a new Liberal Democrat councillor taking a seat – this time from the Labour party.
Winsford Town Council is located in Cheshire, our first chance here in the North West to get stuck in! Chris Davies was among the visitors out campaigning for Bev Theron and his Wharton ward Focus team, and ALDC’s Manchester Phone Bank dedicated Thursday night’s session to helping get out the vote.
This takes our overall total to ten gains (across all types of council, and all elections) since May 8th. Net gains go up to +9, with our loss in Romsey in June remaining the only offset.
Well done to all!
The Fightback Continues: Results since May 8th
GAIN! from Lab, Winsford TC, Wharton. Sept 3.
GAIN! from Con, Powys, Glasbury. August 13.
GAIN! from Ind, Newtown TC, East. August 13.
GAIN! from Con, Seaford TC, Central. July 23.
GAIN! from Lab, Wrexham, Llay. July 16.
GAIN! from Con, Rother, Battle Town. July 16.
GAIN! from Con, Richmond, Hampton Wick. July 2.
GAIN! from Lab, Pontypridd TC, Trallwng. July 2.
GAIN! from Ind, Falmouth TC, Penwerris. June 25.
GAIN! from UKIP, Mole Valley, Holmwoods. June 18.
HELD! Elmbridge, Long Ditton. July 23.
HELD! Kingston, Grove. July 16.
HELD! Abbots Langley PC, Abbots Langley and Bedmond [five seats]. June 24.
HELD! Mole Valley, Holmwoods (2nd seat). June 18.
HELD! Sutton, Wallington South. June 11.
Let’s keep them going!
Brian Smith says
How many have we lost? We need to know to be able to judge the correct situation.