The ALDC team will be in Bournemouth throughout Autumn Conference, here is a brief summary of what we’ll be up to.
If you’re in Bournemouth as well, please come over to the stand and say hi!
At Bournemouth this year, we’ll be providing 20 training sessions, covering all aspects of campaigning catering for every level of involvement.
ALDC will also be co-training in 8 of the party’s new 20-minute training slots, which promise a punchier training experience.
ALDC’s training sessions will be grouped into three broad categories. Our You Can Do It! sessions will introduce basic concepts and practices, our On The Council series aim to enhance councillor skills, and our Activists’ Network returns as a workshop for experienced campaigners to discuss ideas and share best practice.
Click here for full details of ALDC campaigns training at Conference
This year’s fringe events focus on transport and local democracy.
Sorry, Not In Service will look at local bus provision. Speakers include Chris MacColl (Campaign for Better Transport), Cllr Heather Kidd (Shropshire), and Baroness Jenny Randerson, party transport spokesperson.
Empowering Local Communities will look at how Liberal Democrats can help local people achieve real power for their areas.
Speakers will be Baroness Liz Barker (Lords Spokesman for Voluntary Sector), Alexandra Runswick (Unlock Democracy), and Cllr Hazel Williams (NALC).
Exhibition Stand
Come and find the ALDC staff team in the Exhibition hall where, as always, we and our good friends at the LGA Liberal Democrat Group will have a joint stand dedicated to Liberal Democrats in Local Government.
You can pick up information on current and future events and publications, get some advice from one of our political officers, and, if you’re not yet a member of ALDC, find out more about exactly what support and resources you’ll have access to if you join.
Conference Hall
ALDC have a motion for debate this year on Public Health in England (the issue is devolved to the Welsh and Scottish assemblies). The motion seeks to oppose Conservative cuts to health spending and ensure greater integration and oversight of health services at local authority level.
The motion has been produced with extensive support from our friends at the LGA Liberal Democrat group, who also undertook the detailed policy work required for the motion to be prepared.
If you can spare some time to attend the debate and show your support, we would be very grateful.
We look forward to seeing you there!
Keith Watts says
It would really be helpful if this summary had said when and where each of these sessions will be held.