Blue Badge Schemes
Blue Badge Schemes can often take up a lot of casework time for councillors!
Parkinson’s UK has recently distributed a booklet to councils administering Blue Badge schemes. This includes information about Parkinson’s, how the condition affects mobility and what reasonable adjustments could be made. Parkinson’s UK hopes that Lib Dem councillors will be able to familiarise themselves with this and ensure that departments assessing people for blue badges are aware of it. If you would like any more information or would like to talk to the charity about Parkinson’s and Blue Badges please contact them on
A link is at:
I have been with parkinsons for about 10 yrs I am a very slow with a shnnuffle slow walk and try to park as near as possible.
Cllr Anne Roberts says
Parkinson's was one of my charities when I was Mayor of Woking last year. I would encourage any councillor fortunate to be offered this role to consider supporting Parkinson's.