We have been asked by the Initiative for Carbon Accounting (ICARB) to make members aware of the upcoming ICARB Conference in Edinburgh on Friday 5th September. With an increasing focus on managing carbon emissions, and the various contributions that Liberal Democrats in local government are seeking to make to the topic, this is an organisation that members may wish to further engage with.
Carbon Accounting for Cities and Communities: 6th International ICARB Conference
Carbon accounting has become a highly professionalised and rigorous field, but at the same time the range of organisations engaged in mandatory and voluntary reporting has expanded to include everyone from multinational corporations to community groups. Many local authorities have a mandatory obligation to report on their own greenhouse gas emissions but where does the extra resource come from to enable them to get up to speed with the demands of the new processes and protocols? How can they decide what are the right assumptions to include in their calculations? The ICARB conference on the 5th September will not only introduce delegates to the latest ghg community accounting protocols and new developments with the carbon disclosure programme but also provide a forum where they can share experiences with and from other cities and communities, and take part in specialists workshops to connect them into the answers they may be looking for in their own carbon accounting programme.
Key speakers from across Europe, Scotland and the UK will speak and lead workshops to explore the latest challenges and solutions for the carbon accounting community. Please join us in Edinburgh on the 5th September. For full details see: www.icarbconference.org
For more information contact Sue Roaf on enquries@icarb.org.
To register go to: www.icarbconference.org