Update 08/10/2013:
We have received an update advising us that the deadline for nominations for this award has been extended to Thursday 10th October. If you haven’t already looked into this, please do so now!
We received the following reminder from ALDE about the annual LeaDeR awards – worth bearing in mind, as there are rarely any British nominations!
We would like to remind you about the on-going acceptance of nominations for the third edition of the ALDE Liberal Democrat Local and Regional Politicians Awards (LeaDeR Awards). All the necessary documents for nominations have been translated into 24 EU languages so please contact the ALDE secretariat to ask for the relevant ones.
With these annual awards we aim to recognise the work of outstanding local and regional liberal and democrat politicians.
At the end of each year, an awards ceremony will take place in Brussels. This year the awards ceremony will take place on Wednesday 4 December.
There will be 2 categories of awards:
- Local Leader of the Year
- Regional Leader of the Year
Each of these will have 4 different awards (i.e. total of 8 awards):
- Achievement in Government
- Achievement in Opposition
- Most effective party engagement with citizens
- Most effective EU ambassador
A jury composed of the key liberals and democrats in Europe will:
- establish a shortlist of 5 nominees for each award (based on nominations made by the national parties)
- select the winners
We therefore would like to encourage you and your party to send us nominations of persons within the party that you think should receive these awards accompanied by a brief motivation. We would need to receive your nominations by midnight on 30th of September 2013. Please note that it is not only the national party board that can nominate persons, but also local and regional branches of your party.
In order to facilitate and encourage participation, we would be very grateful if information about these awards could be made public in the magazine and the website of your party. Please find therefore enclosed an advertisement that could be put on your party´s website and/or in your party magazine. These documents are available in all EU official languages so please do not hesitate to get in touch with us to request them.
You can find the rules and forms for nominating candidates here. If more forms are needed, please don’t hesitate to make or request additional copies.
The rules and forms can also be downloaded from our website: www.cor.europa.eu/alde
Good luck to anyone who wishes to take part!