In Glasgow this year, Liberal Democrats in local government will have a single home – our joint ALDC-LGA Lib Dems exhibition stand!
You will be able to find us in the SECC at Stand C6.
Officers from ALDC and the LGA Lib Dem group will be available throughout the day, so please stop by and say hello. In addition to our usual mix of political advice and useful publications, we have also arranged for the following special events.
Book Signing: Mark Pack
Our good friend Mark Pack will be available to sign copies of his ‘101 Way to Win an Election’ on Sunday 15th from 16:00-16:30.
‘Drop In’ Advice Sessions
We are pleased to announce that four key LGA advisors will be available at our stand to give advice and talk about campaigning and strategy at specific times during Conference.
Saturday 14th
Cllr Isobel McCall
Isobel is a regional peer for the LGA Lib Dem group.
Sunday 15th
Steve Hitchins
Steve is the Lib Dem Lead on the LGA Be a Councillor programme
Cllr Katie Hall
Katie is the LGA Lib Dem Lead Member for Health and Social Care
Monday 16th
Cllr Jill Shortland
Jill is the LGA Lib Dem Lead member for Council Improvement
Cllr Flick Rea
Flick is the LGA Lib Dem Lead Member for Culture, Tourism and Sport
Cllr Howard Sykes
Howard is the Lead National Peer for the LGA Lib Dem group
Tuesday 17th
Cllr Terry Stacy
Terry is the LGA Lib Dem Lead Member for Housing
Cllr Alan Connett
Alan in a regional peer for the LGA Lib Dem group
Cllr Jeremy Hilton
Jeremy is the LGA Lib Dem Lead Member for Fire Issues
Please ring to arrange an appointment – number available from the joint ALDC-LGA Lib Dem conference stand