The winners of the ALDC Campaigner Awards 2013 were again sponsored by Midshires and Riso. They were presented at the ALDC AGM held in Glasgow at Federal conference by Veronica German – President of ALDC and Sir Andrew Stunell MP.
Overall Winner – Wiltshire
We liked this because:
• They ran a good campaign making three net gains.
• They structured and organised their campaign to make it easy for candidates to know what was expected of them and when using an innovative literature guide. The guide made it clear exactly what sort of stories and pictures would be required for the literature campaign leaflet by leaflet as part of a candidates training day.
Best Literature – Winner Portsmouth
We liked this because:
• Strong messaging
• Good photos
• Constantly high standard
Runner up – Preston
Best Single Issue Campaign – Kirklees, Spen Pool Campaign
We liked this because:
• It ran a successful local campaign on a powerful issue that really mattered to people.
• It integrated well into the election and polling day
• It produced its own logo and identity that was eventually to become ubiquitous
• It resulted in a very impressive increase in vote share in the by-election
Runners up – Islington
Best Postal Vote Campaign- South Somerset, Yeovil Crewkerne Division
We liked this because:
• There was evident long term emphasis on postal votes.
• We got the percentage for supporters with postal voters up to 65% of all postal voters
• We added over 250 Lib Dem postal voters in the 2013 campaign alone.
• Getting the number of postal voters we did have voter ID on down to 13%
Runner up – Bolton
Best By-Election Campaign Winner – North Norfolk DC, Cromer Town
We liked this because:
• We gained the seat from the Tories with a 20% increase in our vote
• We used the personality and strengths of our candidate to make him Mr Cromer
(see our Local Campaigner article from the Spring for more on this).
Runner up – Dacorum, Adeyfield West Ward. Gain from Labour
Best Ward Campaign Winner – Shropshire, Chirbury and Worthen
We liked this because:
• Of its brilliant community campaigning
• Its ability to make sure that residents knew about it through a wide variety of media
• The campaign resulted in a massive 81% of the vote
Runner up – Cambridge
We will be running a series of in depth articles on these winners in the members only area of the ALDC website over coming weeks. To join and access them click here.
Tony Dawson says
In Southport/Sefton we were too busy winning elections and campaigning to apply!