ALDC and the LGA Lib Dem’s fringe events are listed below:
Saturday 14th September
ALDC AGM and 2013 Campaigner Awards
Have your say at ALDC’s Annual General Meeting followed by this year’s Campaigner Awards for local campaign success. First prize £500, sponsored by Midshire Business Systems and Riso.
SECC, Leven. 20:15-21:30
Sunday 15th September
Rewiring Public Services
LGA Lib Dems public event
Crowne Plaza, Schooner. 13:00-14:00
2013 Local Government Reception
LGA Lib Dems event celebrating Liberal Democrat achievments in local government.
Crowne Plaza, Castle 1 + 2. 22:00-23:30.
Monday 16th September
Social Care: Road to Reform or Road to Ruin? (in partnership with LGA Lib Dems)
How can local government face up to the challenges in adult social care? Speakers: Norman Lamb MP (Minister of State for Care and Support), Helena Herklots (Carers UK), Clare Pelhan (Leonard Cheshire Disability) and Cllr Katie Hall (LGA Lib Dems)
SECC, Leven. 18:15-19:30
Winning in 2014 – Europe and the Local Elections (in partnership with the Liberal Democrat European Group)
Be inspired to win at all levels in 2014’s joint locals and European elections. Speakers: Tim Farron MP (Chair of 2014 Election Campaign), Chris Davies MEP, Cllr Ruth Dombey (Leader of Sutton Council) and Anthony Hook (South East European Candidate).
SECC, Leven. 20:00-21:15