Following the resignation of Derek Osbourne, Kingston Liberal Democrats are be defending the ward of Beverley in a by-election.
Beverley is a three member Liberal Democrat Ward but this will be a tough election.
We are out canvassing every weekday evening meeting at New Malden Station (High Street exit where K1 bus leaves) at 6pm and all day Saturday from 10am (committee room will change so please indicate interest in advance)
The virtual phonebank is
– F125BF-9603 for no data
– 2B45BB-9892 for Soft Cons- 3B45BC-6491 for D&P
If you would like more information on how to help please call Roisin on 0208 288 1090/ 07975 799596 or email roisinm@edwarddavey.co.uk.
Our office address is 21 Berrylands Road, Surbiton, KT5 8QX, the closest station is Surbiton and the K2, 406, 418 and 281 Bus Routes go within walking distance of the office.