ALDC Management Committee


ALDC is governed by a Management Committee, which is elected every two years by a ballot of all members.


Any member can stand for election to the Management Committee (unless you have worked or had a contractual relationship with the Association in the last year). Nobody can hold any single Officer position for longer than four years.


The elections take place in the October of even numbered years, for a Committee which serves from November for two years.


Management Committee is made up of six Officers (President, Chair, two Vice-Chairs, Secretary and Treasurer) and 13 ordinary members (10 elected by all members, 1 English Rep, 1 Scottish Rep and 1 Welsh rep). Staff members separately elect 1 staff representative.



Elections take place this October (2012) for the Committee. 


DOWNLOAD A NOMINATION FORM HERE. The deadline for nominations is noon Friday 28 September 2012. 


The Annual General Meeting is considering a constitutional amendment on electronic ballots. The outcome of this vote will determine the timetable going forward: 


  • WB Monday 13 August 2012 – notice of elections / call for nominations
  • Noon Friday 28 September 2012 – deadline for nominations
  • Noon Tuesday 2 October 2012 – Deadline for Statements or Artwork  (if required)
  • Wednesday 3 October 2012 – Information to ERS 
  • Wednesday 10 October 2012 – dispatch of ballot papers


  • Wednesday 17 October 2012 – Election is ONLINE 

  • Wednesday 31 October 2012 – Deadline for online voting / Deadline for postal voting

  • Monday 5 November 2012 – Declaration of Results


The Management Committee is responsible for:

  • setting the strategy of the Association and monitoring that the strategy is delivered
  • setting the budget of the Association and monitoring that this is delivered
  • agreeing the policies and procedures of the Association
  • agreeing any policy positions, including motions and amendments to Conference
  • ensuring that risks are monitored and that the Association acts within the law
  • acting as the formal employer of the staff team

Job Description

The Management Committee meets formally four times a year. This is on a weekend day (normally Saturday). At present we meet three times a year in Birmingham, and once a year in Hebden Bridge. The meetings are timed to allow people to attend ‘there and back’ in the day  – normally a formal meeting in the morning from 11am, then a more workshop session in the afternoon until 3.00pm.


Most Management Committee members also serve on a Sub-Committee. These normally meet quarterly by telephone conference during the working day.


Management Committee members are expected to attend and help at other events as appropriate, depending on people’s different circumstances. This might include helping on the stand at Conference, attending the AGM, attending regional conferences, attending the local Government conference etc. Management Committee members may be asked to sit on appeal panels in the event of a staffing appeal.


Our English, Scottish and Welsh reps are directly elected by members in those countries. We would expect the reps to help us maintain good links with the English, Scottish and Welsh parties respectively. This can be done in different ways but we would hope, for example, that the English Rep would be able to attend meetings of the English Council and English Council Executive on behalf of ALDC.


Additional Responsibilities of Officers

In addition to the above, the Officers of the Association also meet monthly by telephone conference to help guide the work of ALDC in between meetings of the Management Committee. There is a very high level of expectation that Officers will have a good attendance at key ALDC events like Federal Conference, the AGM, and the Local Government Conference. Officers will also be called on from time to time to represent ALDC at meetings, for example with other parts of the Party. Officers would be expected to Chair an appeal panel should one need to be formed, and will normally take part in appointment panels for new members of staff.



The President, although largely an honorary position, is the final point of appeal for issues of dispute within the Association. In practice the President provides a useful figurehead role for liaison with the rest of the Party, and at key member events.



The Chair of ALDC will Chair meetings of the AGM, the Management Committee, and the monthly Officers Group. This will involve work preparing the agenda with the Chief Executive. The Chair is the line manager of the Chief Executive, and there is a high level of expectation that the Chair will be in attendance at key ALDC events. The Chair will often be the first port of call to represent ALDC externally – for example our current Chair represents ALDC at the monthly LGA Liberal Democrat Group Executive.


2 x Vice-Chairs

The Vice-Chairs will deputise in the absence of the Chair. Between them, the Vice-Chairs and other Officers each take on a ‘lead’ responsibility – e.g. staffing lead, Chair of a Sub-Committee, etc.



The Secretary works with the Chief Executive to plan the agenda for meetings of the Management Committee and produces the minutes for meeting of the Committee. Between them, the Vice-Chairs and other Officers each take on a ‘lead’ responsibility – e.g. staffing lead, Chair of a Sub-Committee, etc.



The Treasurer will work closely with the Chief Executive to monitor the finances of the Association, including presenting reports to both the Management Committee and the Annual General Meeting. The Treasurer will from time to time meet with ALDC’s auditors, and also with key Party staff regarding grants and contractual issues. Between them, the Vice-Chairs and other Officers each take on a ‘lead’ responsibility – e.g. staffing lead, Chair of a Sub-Committee, etc.



Practical Issues

Members of the Management Committee are unpaid, however expenses are reimbursed for travel to meetings and any other out of pocket expenses (e.g. telephone).


Members of the Committee are asked to sign a ‘Code of Conduct’, which outlines how a Management Committee member will conduct themselves.


More information from Tim Pickstone, Chief Executive.

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