The Liberal Democrats are inviting potential candidates for the new Police and Crime Commissioner posts, which, if the legislation is passed, are expected to be elected in May 2012.
The party wants to encourage the widest possible range of applicants so the membership can select from the best possible choice of candidates.
So if you’re interested in applying, you need to be an approved Parliamentary candidate:
The Bill to create directly elected Police and Crime Commissioners is currently before Parliament. The first elections of Police and Crime Commissioners are expected in May 2012.
The English Regional Parties will be inviting applications to be candidates for Police and Crime Commissioners in the autumn. All candidates will be required to be on the Party’s list of approved parliamentary candidates. Therefore anyone who may be interested in being a candidate who is not currently on the Party’s list of approved parliamentary candidates should now apply for approval.
Applications for approval should be made by Friday 29th July to enable them to be considered by September.
Application packs for approval can be obtained from the English Candidates Office, 4 Cowley Street, London, SW1P 3NB – 020 7227 1204